
WAY2INSPIRATION's video: Prosperity and financial healing session

@Prosperity and financial healing session
Recently in 2016, Cognizant and Red Associates completed a comprehensive anthropological study on what they termed as The Future of Money. The study closely followed the lives of people in the US, UK and Germany uncovering hidden truths about their behaviors, emotions and habits around dealing with money and finances. The study discovered that when you ask people about their biggest source of stress, they don’t say terrorism, their health or their job prospects – they point to finance and money challenges. It was not a few people who left this way. Over 37% of the 3000 respondents interviewed felt stressed about money. The research noted: “In short, people’s relationship with money is broken. This finding was, to us, deeply disturbing. No other consumer product we have ever studied has the same all-pervasive quality. For the people we met, not knowing if they are saving enough for retirement means not knowing how they will live when they grow older, or if they will be able to retire at all. Not knowing whether they are putting enough money aside for their children’s education means not knowing whether they are competent parents.” Pranic Healing for Finances Almost all of us recognize that money is important and can be a massive source of stress in our lives. But how can we fix the problem with our finances? Master Choa Kok Sui as a spiritual teacher was very unique. Not only was he a very successful businessman (MCKS was born into a very rich and prosperous family) but also an Enlightened Guru. It was the perfect blending of these varied qualities that made him a unique Spiritual Teacher for our times. MCKS always stressed that prosperity and spirituality are compatible with each other. MCKS has emphasized the need for spiritual practices and service. However, he realised that sometimes it becomes difficult for students to devote their time to spiritual practice and self-development given that the have to struggle to make ends meet. Also, it is very difficult for people to “serve on an empty stomach”. Hence over the years MCKS synthesized his knowledge of subtle energies with his experiences as a successful businessman to reveal to his students the inner esoteric secrets to create abundance and prosperity. It’s no secret that money is one of the biggest sources of conflict in relationships. Whether it’s choosing to spend versus save, dealing with debt, or just deciding how much to budget for coffee, differing philosophies on how to handle money can lead to friction in financial decisions. Often at the root of the conflict are subconscious beliefs about money developed over time that cause guilt and shame, holding couples back from the financial life they desire. Breaking free of unhealthy money patterns may seem impossible, but it doesn’t have to be. There is a solution that’s helping couples transform their relationship with money and find financial intimacy. It’s called financial healing, a revolutionary therapy for couples to forge a joint financial future based on compassion and support. “It has nothing to do with budgets or finances; it’s more about our relationship to money,” says Dasha Tcherniakovskaia, a financial therapist based in Back Bay. “Financial healing is about healing shame and difficult emotions around money so people can make conscious, clear, and free financial choices.” Recognizing financial baggage and creating a solid foundation for healthy conversations about money isn’t easy, but Tcherniakovskaia says that after just a few sessions of financial healing, clients are finding that their relationships are already healthier, with a lot more kindness and good will than ever before. Here are three inspirational stories from her clients of how financial healing helped give new life to a relationship. Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RGTA05sYCc&t=93s



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