The Indian paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi) is a stunningly beautiful bird found across the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia. Here's a breakdown of their identification, behavior, and lifespan:
The male Indian paradise flycatcher is known for its striking appearance, characterized by long, flowing white tail feathers that trail behind it during flight.
It has a glossy black head with a prominent crest, contrasting vividly with its pure white body.
During the breeding season, the male may exhibit iridescent blue or green plumage on its back.
The female is less flamboyant in appearance compared to the male.
She has a rufous-brown upper body with a white underside.
Like the male, she also possesses a black crest, though it may be less prominent.
Females lack the long tail feathers that characterize the male; their tail is shorter and more rounded.
1. Feeding Habits:
Indian paradise flycatchers are primarily insectivorous, feeding on a variety of flying insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and beetles.
They are adept at catching prey on the wing, often darting out from perches to snatch insects mid-flight.
2. Breeding Behavior:
During the breeding season, male paradise flycatchers perform elaborate courtship displays to attract females.
They may engage in aerial displays, fluttering their long tail feathers while calling out to potential mates.
Once a pair bonds, they build a cup-shaped nest together using twigs, grass, and other plant materials.
The lifespan of Indian paradise flycatchers can vary, but in the wild, they typically live for around 5 to 7 years on average. However, factors such as predation, habitat loss, and disease can influence their lifespan.
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