i'm i's video: Indian Golden Oriole Orioles of Indian Sub-Continent
@Indian Golden Oriole | മഞ്ഞക്കിളി | Orioles of Indian Sub-Continent
The Indian Golden Oriole (Oriolus kundoo) is a stunning bird species native to the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia. Renowned for its vibrant plumage, melodious song, and graceful demeanor, the Indian Golden Oriole is a captivating presence in its natural habitat.
Plumage: The Indian Golden Oriole exhibits striking sexual dimorphism. Males boast bright golden-yellow plumage on their underparts, wings, and tail, contrasting with black wings, back, and face mask. Females, on the other hand, display more subdued yellow-green plumage, with olive-brown wings and back.
Breeding Plumage: During the breeding season, male Indian Golden Orioles exhibit their most vibrant plumage, with intense golden-yellow hues shimmering in the sunlight. This striking coloration serves as a visual cue to attract potential mates and assert dominance within their territory.
Non-breeding Plumage: Outside the breeding season, males may appear duller in color, with the intensity of their golden-yellow plumage diminishing. Females and juveniles maintain their more subdued yellow-green coloration year-round, offering camouflage and protection from predators.
Features: Both sexes have a distinctive pointed bill, long tail, and a conspicuous eye ring. Juveniles resemble females but may lack the intense yellow coloration.
Melodious Call: The Indian Golden Oriole is known for its enchanting, flute-like song, consisting of clear whistles and melodious trills. Males often sing from prominent perches during the breeding season to attract mates and establish territories. Their song can be described as rich and melodious, echoing through the forest canopy.
Vocal Variations: The song of the Indian Golden Oriole varies in pitch, tempo, and complexity, with individual birds incorporating unique phrases and improvisations. Their vocalizations play a vital role in courtship, communication, and territorial defense.
Wild: In the wild, Indian Golden Orioles have an average lifespan of around 6 to 8 years. However, factors such as predation, habitat loss, and environmental pressures can influence their longevity.
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i'm i's video: Indian Golden Oriole Orioles of Indian Sub-Continent