
%E5%BC%B5%E6%85%A7%E7%89%A7's video: -1- Waka -

@相會在恆河-1-塔布拉鼓 Waka老師-中英字幕
採訪全文(中英文), 詳見 https://www.seelandmonastery.com/mindful/?p=1046 Waka (若池敏弘)老師,演奏印度Tabla鼓已有二十年經驗。除參與多位歐美的音樂創作者之跨界作品演出外,亦受邀於印度、孟加拉、日本、台灣、泰國、韓國、中國等國際音樂藝術節演出。並擔任國立台南藝術大學、台北藝術大學、台灣大學印度音樂工作坊導師及台灣塔布拉鼓愛好會會長。2011 金曲獎入圍最佳演奏獎。 http://tablawaka.blogspot.com/ http://tablawakasitaryo.blogspot.tw/ https://www.facebook.com/tablataiwan/ ===== 採訪摘錄文: 印度音樂,樂器固然重要,但是「音樂性」比樂器更重要。也就是「理論」(theory)。 印度樂器,其實全部都可以用人的聲音唸出來。印度音樂,首先最重要的是”Sa”這個音。 相當於(西洋音名)do,re,mi,fa,so的”do”。(西洋音名的)do,re,mi,fa,so,la,si,在印度音名則是唱Sa,Ri,Ga,Ma,Pa,Dha,Ni,Sa。Sa 這個音,在印度是很重要的音。它是梵(Brahman)的音,宇宙的音。在印度Upanishads(奧義書)所提倡的哲學:梵我一如,大宇宙與小宇宙是同一個(我與梵終究合一)。Sa是宇宙之音,在這個大宇宙之音裡面,一切皆從這個Sa開始。然後逐漸的,小小的音出現了...學習印度音樂,要先學會如何把它唱出來。雖然印度有很多種樂器,但所有的樂器都是在模仿人的聲音。是一種用來表現人聲的工具。 現在我住在南勢角這裡,那邊有土地公廟–烘爐地,我常常去那邊散步。我散步的時候,看到新月,印象很深,所以我作了了"濕婆之月"這首曲子。 我剛來台灣時,生了一場重病,大約是從印度來台灣的時候,得了急性肝炎。嚴重到差點就命危的程度。當時台灣的朋友們,幫助了我。為我舉辦慈善演奏會,或者匿名捐款給我,真的給我很大的援助。 在我所去過的國家中,很少有國家,能像台灣這樣,給我如此大的援助。這讓我十分感動,真的很謝謝你們!所以我想應該是因為這些人的幫助,所以我能住在台灣。 現在已經取得了居住權,這就是我留在台灣的因緣。謝謝你們! (extract interview ) All Indian instruments are designed to imitate the human voice. For example,This is the most important sound “Sa”, is same as “Do” in solfeggio,Sa is the sound of universe, the sound reflects the universe.Everything begins with Sa,and then melody goes.More melody comes out but Sa is always the key.the player always set Sa as the key. Sound of Brahman, sound of universe. Basically, instrument is just a tool to copy the voice.Although there are so many kinds of indian instruments, all of them are copying tools of human voice. I'm now living in Nan Shi Jiao.There is a Earth God shrine,called Hong Lu Di.I always go for a walk there. One day, I saw the thin crescent moon while I was walking.Like this.I felt most deeply.So I made a song deicated for this moon. Because of Shiva, the crescent moon is the symbol of Shiva. I add some Nan Shi Jiao flavors to the song. (Rahu composer : Mr. Waka ) Mr. Waka traveled to western Pakistan, the place called, Balochistan he came across a solar eclipse felt connection spiritually, and wrote this song "Rahu" among the songs he wrote, this is the one of his favorite song. Rahu is one of Asura warriors in Indian Mythology swallows sun and moon, causing an eclips Several years ago, I had a serious disease. Around time I came back from indian trip.I was diagnosed with a Hepatitis.That critical symptom almost took my life.My taiwanese friends helped me a lot.They set up a charity event to raise money for medical bills, some donated without giving a name.In deed, these supports saved my life. I have been in Taiwan, even I stayed here for a short period of time yet, they kindly helped me a huge.Sincerely it touched my heart, and I really appreciate that.I owe Taiwanese friends a lot, so that I am still alive.I have a residency in Taiwan now, I think the Nidana (cause of existence) made me stay here.Thank you very much. 片頭曲--gram chara ai ranga mati (孟加拉民謠,泰戈爾作詞曲)英譯歌詞 The Reddish Soil Road leading from the Village has made my Mind get lost far far away, Oh! towards whom has my Mind stretched out its hands and then rolls down on the Dust? Oh! it has made myself go Out of my Home, by holding each Step of my Feet, … and taking me away forcefully, is leading me to which unknown Place I know not, Oh! what Treasure will it show me in which Turn, and what Obstacle will it pose in which Place, … and where will it end, I cannot think it out, I cannot think it out, The Reddish Soil Road leading from the Village has made my Mind get lost far far away



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