ETC is a brand. Having a distinguished reputation, this profile has received many accolades for their influential work. A number of influencers have associated themselves with ETC. This makes ETC a popular face on Instagram. Being socially active on all platforms, this brand has a personal website and profile on various social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Youtube .
ETC posts an average of One posts on a weekly basis and One posts on a monthly basis. Overall, the average number of likes on this profile are 14.5 with his followers commenting up to 1 per post on an average. The total likes to comments ratio is 15:1 totalling an average engagement rate of 0.02 %. The best time to post for this account is around generating an engagement rate of around 0.00%.
Time: | Post | Total Like | Total Comment | Eng Rate |
09 AM | 1 | 29 | 2 | 0.05% |
Given their activity level in the recent times on instagram, ETC has been classified as dormant on this platform. ETC is mostly associated with 82Sneakerinfo , 82sneakerinfo , commedesgarcons_seoul and nike_snkrs_hongdae
The estimated earnings of this profile is around $1.1. The overall authenticity of this profile in terms of its followers is Average. Considering the overall performance of this account, this Macro-influencers brand holds a Low Authority. Their mostly used tags are:Airforce1s(1) , Nike(1) , Stussy(1) , StussyNike(1) , エアジョーダン(1) , エアジョーダン1(1) , エアフォース(1) , エアフォース1(1) , キックス(1) , スニーカー(1) , スニーカーヘッズ(1) , スニーカーマニア(1) , スニーカー同好会(1) , スニーカー大好き(1) , スニーカー好きと繋がりたい(1) , スニーカー好きな人と繋がりたい(1) , スニーカー男子(1) , 足もと倶楽部(1) , 나이키(1) and 스투시(1) 스투시나이키(1) 에어포스1(1)
their Viral Pitch rating which is computed on the basis of (Followers or Eng rate) is 1.61/5
Some of the most liked posts on this profile are: 0
Some of the most engaged with posts on this profile are: 0.00
Some accounts which are similar to this profile are: shattarako , beignetbox , jiya_love_199 , makeupbyavipreetbindra and aartsgallery
Frequently asked questions about ETC's instagram Account.